Welcome to SARDA Ireland

Dedicated to the training and deployment of Search and Rescue Dogs, SARDA Ireland’s objective is to assist in the search and rescue of missing persons on the hills or wherever they may be.

SARDA Ireland is a voluntary 999 / 112 emergency search and rescue organisation concerned with the training, assessment and deployment of Air Scenting Search and Rescue Dogs to search for missing persons. Our dog teams, which consist of the handler and their dog, search anywhere in Ireland and are effective in the mountains, woodlands, rural and urban areas, waterways and seashore, as well as in locating accident or disaster victims.

Search And Rescue Dog Association (Ireland) was set up in 1987 as a Registered Charity (No. 11172) and is a member of Mountain Rescue Ireland (www.mountainrescue.ie) and NSARDA (National Search And Rescue Dog Association) in the UK (www.nsarda.org.uk) which comprises SARDA organisations in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. For details of our policies and procedures, please click here.

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Happy Valentine's Day to all our members, family, friends and supporters ❤️

SARDA dog teams remain available 24/7 365 to respond to missing person searches across Ireland.

SARDA Ireland is a voluntary organization and rely on donations from the public to keep us operational. Links to donate in Bio
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Happy Valentines Day to all our members, family, friends and supporters ❤️ 

SARDA dog teams remain available 24/7 365 to respond to missing person searches across Ireland.

SARDA Ireland is a voluntary organization and rely on donations from the public to keep us operational. Links to donate in BioImage attachment

Our team member Sean furthering his Mountain education. Well done ... See MoreSee Less

Our team member Sean furthering his Mountain education. Well doneImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

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Well done Sean👏👏

No better buachaill!

Well done Sean Tolan

Looking back over a great training weekend in Wicklow. Such a brilliant group of people and dogs. Everyone helping each other out for the betterment of the organization. It takes the organization as a whole to get a dog team through assessments. From training officers to dogs body everyone has an important role. And when the dogs get put to bed everyone gets to catch up and share experiences on the hills on calls etc. great friendships built with great people. ... See MoreSee Less

Looking back over a great training weekend in Wicklow. Such a brilliant group of people and dogs. Everyone helping each other out for the betterment of the organization. It takes the organization as a whole to get a dog team through assessments. From training officers to dogs body everyone has an important role. And when the dogs get put to bed everyone gets to catch up and share experiences on the hills on calls etc. great friendships built with great people.Image attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

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Well done all

ABÚ..👍Maith sibh

Congratulations to South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association on another successful Long way round event last night.
Great to see some of our members in attendance with their dogs lending a paw?
Did you happen to meet any of our wonderful teams? Tag us here if you did ☺️

SARDA dog teams remain available 24/7 365 to respond to missing person searches across Ireland.

SARDA Ireland is a voluntary organization and rely on donations from the public to keep us operational. Links to donate in Bio
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Congratulations to South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association on another successful Long way round event last night. 
Great to see some of our members in attendance with their dogs lending a paw? 
Did you happen to meet any of our wonderful teams? Tag us here if you did ☺️ 

SARDA dog teams remain available 24/7 365 to respond to missing person searches across Ireland.

SARDA Ireland is a voluntary organization and rely on donations from the public to keep us operational. Links to donate in BioImage attachment

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It was great to have SARDA teams there. Really added to the event.

I missed them yesterday because things were getting busy but hopefully in November at the next one

That time of year again folks. We're in Cork tomorrow Saturday for our annual bucket collection.
Be sure to come see our dogs and their handlers in the following shopping centers. Bishopstown, Blackpool, Wilton, Douglas and the City Center.
Don't worry if you can't donate in person, there's a link available in our bio for online donations.
Thank you all and looking forward to meeting you all.
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That time of year again folks. Were in Cork tomorrow Saturday for our annual bucket collection. 
Be sure to come see our dogs and their handlers in the following shopping centers.  Bishopstown, Blackpool, Wilton, Douglas  and the City Center. 
Dont worry if you cant donate in person, theres a link available in our bio for online donations. 
Thank you all and looking forward to meeting you all.Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

Brave women of Ireland
Up and out in the cold
Nollaig na Mbán
A festival to behold.

The energy and expectation
Right from the start
Would be enough
To fill and gladden your heart.
What is it with women
That power unseen
When they come together
They create a magical scene.

The chant and the welcome
The failte romhait the beat on the drum
Would make you feel punch drunk.
The laughter the banter
The meditation the sway
Of bodies moving as one
On this glorious frozen day
The weather did not deter us
Or make us take flight
In fact, it was the opposite
We hugged each other even more tight.

2025 better be ready to receive
Mná na Heireann in droves
Can you conceive.
The power is within us
Let nothing dim that light
When we all come together
It's a powerful sight.

Ann Maher @mahor5606

Thank you, Ann @mahor5606, for this beautiful poem that captured the Mnàsome energy.

Wishing all our members, supporters and all women out there a very Happy Nollaig na Mbán
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Brave women of Ireland
Up and out in  the cold
Nollaig na Mbán
A festival to behold.

The energy and expectation
Right from the start
Would be enough
To fill and gladden your heart.
What is it with women
That power unseen
When they come together
They create a magical scene.

The chant and the welcome
The failte romhait the beat on the drum
Would make you feel punch drunk.
The laughter the banter
The meditation the sway
Of bodies moving as one
On this glorious  frozen day
The weather did not deter us
Or make us take flight
In fact, it was the opposite
We hugged each other even more tight.

2025 better be ready to receive
Mná na Heireann in droves
Can you conceive. 
The power is within us
Let nothing dim that light
When we all come together
Its a powerful sight.

Ann Maher @mahor5606 

Thank you, Ann @mahor5606, for this beautiful poem that captured the Mnàsome energy. 

Wishing all our members, supporters and all women out there a very Happy Nollaig na MbánImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Fair play to ye ladies and doggos hoping to meet some at the long way round in Clomel in a couple of weeks 😀

Beautiful poem to honour such amazing work done by you all ❤️

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