A sad farewell to a remarkable person

A sad farewell to a remarkable person

President Michael D Higgins was among hundreds of mourners at St Patrick’s Church in Dublin for the funeral of Coast Guard Captain Dara Fitzpatrick. The funeral cortege arrived at the church in Glencullen at 11am and was met by an honour guard from the Coast...
Capt Dara Fitzpatrick RIP

Capt Dara Fitzpatrick RIP

We are deeply saddened to hear of Irish Coast Guard helicopter pilot Capt. Dara Fitzpatrick’s tragic and untimely death today. SARDA Ireland members – human and canine – had the pleasure to train with Dara and her crew on several occasions. She was courteous,...
Search for missing man in Drumcliff, Sligo

Search for missing man in Drumcliff, Sligo

UPDATE: Kenneth McGowan has been located. RIP. SARDA handler Gerry Tobin and search dog Dexter were tasked by Gardaí to assist in a search for a man who has been missing for over three weeks in the Drumcliff area in Sligo. The dog team travelled up from Clonmel early...
Training in Wicklow over the weekend

Training in Wicklow over the weekend

Some photos from training in Wicklow over the weekend. Respect to Alun, Tom, John and Colin who turned out in the rain and wind to help us train our trainee search dogs. A couple of pictures thanks to John Connell. View on...
Gerry tobin responds to SEMRA callout

Gerry tobin responds to SEMRA callout

SARDA handler Gerry Tobin and search dog Dexter responded to a callout in the Ballyhoura Mountains with South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association late last night. The missing mountain biker was located by a search party just as the dog team arrived at location and was...